Humans of MLEC

Anthony Flores: Junior – IT Academy 

“One of the things that I most enjoy doing is mudding. It’s basically driving through mud in the woods and I get to experience nature at a fast speed. I have been driving for about 5 years and one of the most memorable times was when I drove to the river because I got to go swimming afterwards.” 

Sofia Debernardis: Sophomore – Culinary 

“I’ve been belly dancing for 8 years. When I was younger, I tried different genres of dance like ballet, hip-hop, jazz, etc. Then when I was 7 my mom introduced me to Shakira. She decided to put me in belly dancing classes, even though I didn’t really want to. Then I tried it out and realized that it was actually okay. Later on I started getting solos and group dances, and also started working with props. Now I’m one of the oldest in the group and teach the younger ones. I love it with all my heart.” 

Jesus Gorotiza: Sophomore – Engineering

“I was born here but my background is Cuban-Puertorican, my dad is Cuban and my mom is Puertorican. My dad moved here when he was around 9 or 10, he’s now 35 so he lived a good portion of his life here.

It was him, my grandma, and my grandpa, and the first chance they got, they moved here and they tried to live a better life than they had in Cuba, and eventually, they got to where they are now, successful and happy.  My life is good, I’m happy with it. 

My passion is basketball, I love playing basketball, and I also like working out, is really fun for me too. I occasionally play video games, I usually just play video games over the weekend ‘cause during the weekdays I have an abundance of homework to do. But I love playing basketball and working out, anything that involves moving and sports; it makes me feel a lot better about myself. 

When I work out and when I play basketball, I feel motivated to do other things. The small things that somebody usually does, let’s say I work out, then I feel good enough to make my bed in the morning or do my chores earlier than usual. I just feel more motivated and better about myself to do the small things.”

Adrian Oyola: Junior – EMR 

“Over the course of all this covid craziness, I have learned how to become a better human. Better at loving my family, my friends, the world, myself, and life in general. Being able to stay home and just think, has helped me to see all the beauty each day within such a dark world.

I have been able to get deeply in touch with myself and truly love, embrace, and value who I am, inside and out. I have been able to plan out my future, try new things, and enjoy everyday. I used to worry about everything and be so stressed out but I have learned that I’m not going to accomplish anything by doing that. As I always say, “just do you boo!”.

I pray that everyone can get to a place where they could be truly content with themselves and others. That’s the only way we can combat all of the horrendous division that lives within this world. Any form of discrimination or oppression can and will be brought down if we all move forward together as one race, the human race.”

Gabriela Maldonado: Junior – Pharmacy

“I use to be a swimmer and participate in competitions all the time. An event that impacted me was when I was in my first championship and I was around 9 years old. My coach placed me to swim a 50-yard backstroke. I hated the stroke because it was the most difficult to master since you don’t have complete visibility. Once I finished the race, I looked back and saw that I had left all the other girls behind me by half a pool lane, which was about 11-13 yards, that was when I realized that the backstroke was my true passion.”

Mia Hermida: Junior – Medical Assisting 

“Family is not always by blood. It’s the people who want you in their life and love and support you no matter what. My friends have become my family and has had such a big influence of who I am now. They are my support system and the sisters I am so grateful to have.

No matter where or what time they’re always there for me and I will always be there for them. They have helped me through hard times and make me laugh the most I have my entire life. I will always be grateful for them coming into my life and making my life ten times better and exciting.

It is always an adventure with them around and I would not change that for the world. I am forever grateful for them being my family, not by blood, but by heart. They will always have a place in my heart.”

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