Stuck at Home: A Summer Guide to Avoiding Boredom by Gabriella Indart

Summer has finally arrived, but plans of going to the beach and attending late night parties with friends are over because you have no ride. During weekdays, the parents are working and you don’t even have a car on top of not having a driving license. You’re broke and bored, but don’t worry; here are some great ideas to add some creativity to dull days stuck behind a window.

Go For a Little Walk

It’s bad for your health when you’re stuck inside every single day of your summer. People tend to get stir crazy, so the best way to avoid that is going for a walk. Walking outside will be a way to stretch your legs and burn off extra calories that aren’t needed when you’ve been sleeping around your house.

Pick Up a Hobby

Summer is best time to focus your time on picking up a new hobby. By picking up a new hobby, your can add flavor to your typical summer life, and if you have summer school work, you can relax with a new project. There are a variety of hobbies to choose from such as model making, crocheting, sewing, reading, writing, and so much more.

Have Fun with Siblings

If you have equally bored siblings in your household, you’d rather not have them complaining about their boredom. To quell your boredom, create games that can be entertaining for the both of you. Make a scavenger hunt out of household objects and create a map to find them. Make a fort out of pillows and blankets to sleep under and tell scary stories. Even if these ideas sound cheesy, it will keep younger siblings at bay while also cheering you both up.

Settle Down with Good Ol’ Netflix

A classic way to keep yourself entertained is to just watch some Netflix. This is the perfect time to catch up on new episodes of Scandal or rewatch American Horror Story or even watch a corny romance movie to cry your eyes out to. By doing this, time will fly, and you’ll be able to get deeply immersed in your favorites.

Bring the People to You

If you can’t go outside to meet people, make the people come to you. Since forever, friends to hang out less and less during the summer as they sit at their own homes watching movies or sleeping the day away. Instead of doing the usual routine, invite your friends over for a sleep-over or a movie marathon instead of having to pay eight dollars at the theatre. Not only is it a cheap way to save money, but it also allows time for friends to catch up.

Don’t Ever Forget to Have Fun

During the summer, people tend to forget that these days are times to have fun before the next school year comes around. Enjoy your summer. Complete your summer school work early. Don’t forget to have fun with friends. And don’t just sleep the day away.

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