Not a Goodbye, Class of 2019

Not a Goodbye, Class of 2019

By Michelle Mairena  

June 5th, 2019.

For the class of 2019, this date did not only mark the end of their journey at MLEC, the end of their high school careers, and a goodbye to familiar faces, loved teachers, and past memories. It also marked the beginning of a new phase in their lives—a transition to a new chapter in their books.

On June 5th, as each one of these jaguars from the Class of 2019 walked to the stage to get their diploma, they were no longer the same shy freshmen that once ran into fifth building on their first day of school. They were no longer the same sophomores that complained about their end-of-the-year exams, or the same juniors that once walked to the gymnasium to receive a ring. They also weren’t the same seniors that on August 20, 2018, walked victorious into the school campus as they proudly wore their senior crowns.

After four years of hard work, sleepless nights, and academy classes, the high school journey of these jaguars ended on June 5th, 2019, at FIU’s U.S. Century Bank Arena. It was a memorable day that tied a past phase of their lives to a new one through a common remembrance: their graduation ceremony.

The long-awaited ceremony began with Mrs. Neyda Borges’s welcoming words.

“To the young men and women standing before me, today marks a new beginning, a new and exciting chapter in your lives,” said Mrs. Borges, directing her speech to the class of 2019. “That’s why this is called a commencement ceremony,” she continued.

“Now it is time to continue your journey and leave your paw print in the world.”        

Followed by Mrs. Borges’s heartfelt words was the national anthem, which was sung by Kema Demmings, a now-alumni and graduate from the Communications Academy.

Afterwards, Superintendent Alberto Carvalho shared his thoughts and hopes for the future of the Class of 2019.

“As I look at you, I see a pixelation, a masterpiece of color,” said Superintendent Carvalho, directing  his speech to the graduates—individuals who represent diversity and the future as he remarked. “You are your own masterpiece of existence,” he continued.

“Be that generation that brings freedom and democracy to Cuba and Venezuela,” continued Superintendent Carvalho with his empowering speech. “Be that generation that I see right now, the remarkable and powerful class of 2019.”

Followed by Carvalho’s words was Class of 2019 President Jessica Santos’s, who gave an emotional speech about graduation and the class’s future.

“Today marks the end and the beginning of a new chapter,” said Jessica. “As we seat here dressed in white and black gowns, I can’t believe it’s happening,” she continued. “We finally have made it.”

Santos talked about how grateful she is for having had the opportunity to serve as the class’s president since freshman year. With tears in her eyes, she also talked about her family, who is from Cuba, a country where liberty of expression does not exist, as Santos remarked.

“Today, my sister and I are able to say we are first generation graduates because of my family,” said Santos. “This is dedicated to my family,” she continued. “Gracias mami y papi.”

Adding more to an already emotional day were the teachers’ presences, especially the presence of those who are retiring with the Class of 2019.  Wearing a black gown and with a big smile, Mr. Joseph Walpole, who is retiring this year, and who is the heart and soul of the Cambridge Academy, accompanied the now-Cambridge-alumni into the arena.

Other important class figures that spoke were SGA President Luis Armas, and class officer Kathleen Obrer.

After all the speeches, the students were called to the stage to receive their diploma and a warm handshake from administration—and with their diplomas in hand, these jaguars became graduates and alumni.

At graduation, the class of 2019 celebrated one last time together—with the same faces that once sat together in a classroom, with the same teachers that once gave them advice, with the same people that partied and studied together for four years.

Now each of these official graduates is off to a new exciting journey that will dictate their rest of their lives. They are future doctors, engineers, programmers, entrepreneurs, and more. They are the future that will make MLEC proud.

But although it seemed as if it was, this day was not a goodbye.

As these graduates individually continue in their journey, they will all continue to carry with them the legacy of an MLEC student; they will all continue to be jaguars.

The paw print that each of these students left at MLEC will remain forever imprinted, and just as these jaguars’ past victories were our celebration, their future ones will be as well.

This was not the end or a goodbye, class of 2019.

This day just marked the beginning to a new chapter in your lives.

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