Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale

By Dru Barcelo

Season 7 of Game of Thrones has come to an end, bombarded with fire breathing dragons, deceptions and alliances, and borderline utter chaos. The finale was nothing short of rejuvenating and satisfying considering that fans have to wait another two years to see the shows return.

***Spoiler warning ahead*** 

This episode was one of reunion and revelation. Brienne of Tarth and the Hound share a touching moment together, reflecting on the little monster they created that we know as Arya Stark. Podrick, once Tyrion’s squire, is reunited with Tyrion as well as Broan. Jaime is reunited with Brienne of Tarth, which begins the spiral down hill for the climax of the episode.

How could we forget the Hounds encounter with his brother, the zombified Mountain in which the exchange basically confirms Cleganebowl, a long awaited fan theory in which the brothers will fight one another to the death.

The main course of the episode was the meeting between all of the major families in Westeros was held, all aiming for a truce, a truce that was based upon the real battle in the series. It was made clear that the ultimate battle is not amongst the Starks, Targaryens, and Lannisters. It is amongst the living and the dead. And it’s no longer a threat beyond the wall.

And now everyone is aware of it. Cersei, Jaime, and any other individual that witnessed the white walker Jon Snow and his platoon fought so hard to obtain. Though the truce did not come immediately due to Jon’s loyalty and honor, it came as a result of Tyrion’s negotiating skills when he was willing to sit face to face with his murderous, hateful sister and queen of the seven kingdoms, Cersei.

With all things that comes of Cersei, fans shouldn’t be surprised of her facade when she pledges to send her troops to help fight against the dead. This revelation is what ultimately drives Jaime, after seven seasons of loyalty and devotion to his twin sister and incestrial lover, out of the kingdom riding north for Winterfell to uphold his oath and his honor.

While issues were being sorted out in King’s Landing, the threat in the North has also been dealt with as Petyr Baelish, better known as Littlefinger, has his throat cut for attempting to tear the Stark family apart. Though this was the only death in the episode, it was a satisfying one.

On the brighter side of things, Jon Snow, or now Aegon Targaryen, has had his parentage confirmed by both Bran and Samuel Tulley. Though it may have been uncomfortable, considering the very next scene was Jon getting down and dirty with whom we now know is his aunt Daenerys, fan theories and speculations can be put to rest.

Unfortunately, after standing tall for thousands of years, the wall that once divided the world of men and the wildlings was eradicated, burnt down by the dragon that was killed by the NightKing last episode. With nothing to divide the world of men and the army of the dead, Winter is truly here.

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