Clinton’s Fall: How It Happened

By Valeria Bula 

Since her defeat on Nov 9, 2016— after a long, controversial and weary campaign— the Clinton campaign, as well as her supporters, have been quick to point fingers as to why a once thought sure-fire win, ended in a loss.

The blame is placed upon several factors ranging from the media to political figures to leaked emails. The days leading up to the election were pivotal, especially amongst undecided voters who were depending on the latest surfaced news and controversies to which to base their decisions on.

Some blame James Comey, the FBI director who reopened the Clinton email case 11 days before the election, unfair media coverage on Clinton, and voter apathy and resistance towards a female candidate.

According to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, “hostile press corps,” contributed to Clinton’s defeat. Other top advisors said it was Comey’s decision to check her emails again that slowed the momentum of the campaign and motivated Trump supporters.

Though the blame could be placed on just about anyone, the catalyst of her downfall can be traced to its source— within the Clinton campaign itself.

On Election Day, and in the days thereafter, many wondered and questioned how Clinton could possibly lose the democratic leaning states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Jennifer Palmieri, communications director of the Clinton campaign, released in a statement that no one anticipated the loss. She also said that many factors contributed to the loss, listing Comey as one of those factors.

Another reason for the loss is apathy and lack of focus on the disaffected white, working class voters— those that primarily voted for Trump. Trump’s supporters feel they have been economically disenfranchised, betrayed by Wall Street and other moneyed interests, and ignored by their government for decades.

The Clinton campaign was convinced that this demographic was strictly republican and pro-Trump, thus made no attempt to sway these voters and no visits were paid to these areas.

Instead, Clinton’s top strategist completely ignored this dynamic, instead focusing on the minority demographic that helped elect President Barack Obama.

However, as Wednesday’s results depicted, the turn-out of black, Hispanic, and young voters wasn’t enough to topple the white, working class Trump supporters.

On the other hand, another Clinton aide pointed out that she visited Pennsylvania 11 times since the Democratic National Convention, demonstrating that more visits may not have been what it took to win.

Whether it was the fault of the media, the Clinton campaign, those with anti-Obama sentiments, or those seeking true representation in their government, America spoke and the people cast their votes. Clinton lost. Trump won. Now, the country waits.

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