What Colin Powell Said in Leaked Emails

By Valeria Bula

On Tuesday, the emails of former Secretary of State, Colin L. Powell, who served as President George W. Bush’s top diplomat, were leaked, revealing his true feelings about Trump and Clinton.

Referring to Trump as a “national disgrace and an international pariah,” Powell expressed strong distaste for the GOP candidate, even calling the Trump-led birther movement— the group of theorists that believe President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, making him ineligible for presidency— racist.

He also noted how Trump had  questioned the validity of Obama’s birth certificate before. This isn’t the first time Powell slanders Trump, however, refusing to endorse the candidate and avoiding questions regarding his thoughts on the GOP nominee.

“He appeals to the worst angels of the GOP nature and poor white folks,” Powell stated in another email.

Powell’s criticism didn’t limit itself to Trump. His emails also displayed anger towards Clinton as she had previously claimed that she learned from Powell to use a private email, placing the blame on him.

He responded in an email afterwards stating how Clinton did not seek him for any advice on the matter. He also criticized Clinton aides for attempting to drag him into the controversy.

Powell continued in a later email about how he had advised Clinton from the beginning to be honest about her use of the private account in order to prevent a later ordeal.

In another leaked email, he referred to Clinton using her initials and wrote “everything HRC touches she kinda screws up with hubris.”

On Wednesday, an aide to Powell responded to questions regarding the emails: “we are confirming that General Powell has been hacked and that they are his emails. We have no further comment at the time.”


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