A Legendary Graduation – Class of 2015

By Maria Vasquez

Photos by Vivian Bermudez

In a matter of a few minutes this stage would be filled with the 2015 graduates of Miami Lakes Educational Center, ready to take on the world.

June 1st, 2015 marked a significant moment for MLEC seniors. Their graduation was held at FIU’s U.S. Century Bank Arena where parents, family members, and friends gathered to see their loved ones walk across the stage.

English Department Chair and Cambridge teacher Neyda Borges speaking to the class of 2015.

The ceremony began with Mrs. Borges’ welcoming words followed by MLEC’s, Bryce Senatus, singing the National Anthem. Afterwards, Alberto Carvalho, the MDCPS Superintendent, shared important advice with the Class of 2015.

Class of 2015 President, Sana Chaudhry, giving her fellow classmates one last goodbye as the time to walk across the stage got closer and closer.

“You are not alone,” said Carvalho. “Let your heart drive your passion.”

Cambridge students in line to walk across the stage and mark the end of their high school career and the start of their college lives.

Among those empowering words, he reminded us about Giancarlo Tejeda  and how nothing should get in the way of pursuing our passion.

Amanda Delgado shakes the hand of MLEC principal James Parker who is retiring along with the class of 2015.

Things became bittersweet when Mr. Parker came up to give his final graduation speech as Principal of Miami Lakes Educational Center. He spoke about the power of social media and encouraged the Class of 2015 to keep being innovative and that there is no limit to how far they can go in this coming adventure.

Neyda Borges photographs the class of 2015 officers along with their class sponsor, Helena Castro.

Ms. Castro, MLEC’s activities director and the sponsor to the Class of 2015, also spoke kind and empowering words.

Cambridge Class of 2015

“Today, you are no longer legendary,” said Ms. Castro. “Today, you have become legends.”

Class President, Sana Chaudhry, walking across the stage as an official high school graduate.

Other important class figures, such as Sana Chaudry, the president of the Class of 2015, and Luis Machicote, the SGA president, spoke about good times and great memories shared with their class.

Class Treasurer, Alejandra Mendoza, becomes an official Miami Lakes Educational Center Senior High School graduate.

Afterwards, the students were called to the stage to receive their diploma and a warm handshake from administration.

Class officers posing along with their class sponsor and the english department chair. (left to right: Alejandra Mendoza, Mindy Li, Ruth Reyes, Sana Chaudhry, Helena Castro, Neyda Borges)

The last four years were definitely a mix of good and bad. However, you’ve finally made it. Now, onto your next adventure!


To see, hear, and read more about graduation, visit our Twitter  & Vine accounts for short clips and tweets on the event.

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One response to “A Legendary Graduation – Class of 2015”

  1. Stephanie Brito Avatar

    Reblogged this on Stephanie Brito and commented:
    So glad I was able to attend this year’s graduation–I can’t believe next year it’ll be my class getting our diplomas!

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