Miami Lakes Educational Center’s James Parker Wins 2014 North Region Principal of the Year

By Nathalie Mairena

The  North Region Principal of the Year Award is a prestigious award, given to only the best of principals after a strict evaluation by committee, numerous interviews of both staff and students, and ultimately, by the skills of the principals competing. This year, Miami Lakes Educational Center’s own James Parker won this year’s award, announced this Monday.

The Principal of the Year Award looks from certain criteria from each principal that enters. Committees that evaluate the principals look for signs of leadership amongst competitors. They are mainly looking to honor the principal that has lead their school forward and increasing student performance, while creating a comfortable learning environment.

Principals are also expected to have good student and parent relations and must also be able to communicate with their fellow school staff in ways that will propel their representing school further.

The North Region Principal Selection Committee toured MLEC’s halls this Friday, observing and taking note, while also conducting interviews with teachers and asking students why they thought of Mr. Parker’s work on the school.

Things went successfully as the Committee announced Mr.Parker’s win.

“On behalf of the North Region Principal of the Year Selection Committee, I am pleased to announce that Mr. James V. Parker, Principal, Miami Lakes Educational Center, has been chosen as the 2014-2015 Principal of the Year,” said North Region Super Intendant Vivian M. Santiesteban-Pardo, via email. “We would like to extend our congratulations to Mr. Parker, along with best wishes for success at the District level.”

Mr. Parker will now be entered to win State-Wide Principal of the Year.

All of these accomplishments come as Mr. Parker’s final year as principal of MLEC comes to an end. It goes without saying that those who have worked with and have learned under Mr.Parker in his years as principal no doubt feel he deserves the recognition.

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