Don’t Let The First Date Be The Last by Maria Sanchez

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. The hardest part is already done; you asked your crush to be your valentine and she said, “yes.”  Now, for the fun part: planning.

To be quite frank, yes, it can be difficult. Women, like men, are a complicated species. Some of us are moody while others are unwavering, some are indecisive while others know exactly what they want, some are clingy while others like to give and have space, and some are picky while others aren’t hard to please.

So it’s understandable if you don’t know what to plan for your first date, especially if it falls on such an important day of the year. You won’t always know what they’ll expect from you. So the best thing to do is plan something simple, yet fun and romantic. And who better to take advice from than a girl herself?

First of all, you need to know how to act and how to take a hint. Read her body language; her actions and her bodily movements will tell you more than her words. If her hand is constantly brushing yours or she lays it out between the two of you on the couch, grab her hand.

Let her lead the discussion. Although they want you to carry the conversation as well and respond when words are needed, women like to be the center of attention. Don’t speak over her or talk longer than necessary. If she looks bored, change the subject.

Kiss her if she wants to be kissed. How will you know? Easy. She might bite her lip or lean in so your faces are inches apart. She might touch your face or pull you closer. Take it as your cue to steal a kiss.

The most important thing to do is always be respectful. Show her that you’re a gentleman. Make her feel special, that way your first date with her won’t be your last.

Now for the actual date. How are a few ideas:

  1. Dinner and a Drive in Movie
  2. Cooking together
  3.  Ice Skating
  4. A picnic on the beach
  5. Lay on a rooftop and watch the stars listening to cheesy love songs

Depending on the girl and your own personal taste, you can choose from one of these or many other ideas. Just think of something creative. At the end if you really can’t think of something, you can always just ask her what she wants to do, and that’s fine too. The most important thing is to make this Valentine’s Day one that will live in both your memories forever.


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