New Years Resolutions Can Work Out by Sana Chaudhry

Lately many people have been saying that they think it’s useless to set New Year’s resolutions and thus they no longer do them. But this in fact may be a bad idea.

Numerous studies have shown that people who keep a set of specific goals have outperformed those who think they know what they have to do and find it unnecessary to annually set goals.

Here are some tips to making 2014 an extraordinary year by committing and sticking to the goals and plans made:

One Step At a Time

Psychologist of Bill Dyment- Co-author of Fire your excuses- stated that with just small increments of time such as 15 minutes, several times a week to focus on small ‘projects’ can grow into something substantial. These are simple 15 minutes tasks that could remind one of everything they need to get done. It is important to ditch any distractions and multitasking and instead use all resources towards a single purpose. Also, setting small simple goals throughout the week instead of one huge goal can help one reach their actual goals and working towards that goal with utmost concentration taking it one step at a time.

Share Your Goals with Friends and Family.

It is important to announce your goals to family and friends because it gives you a support system. It also makes you want to reach your goal more because you are now held accountable. For many it also makes the goals seem more reachable and less intimidating. This also allows one to be clear with their actual purpose and what they hope to accomplish.

Be Easy on Yourself.

Every day is a fresh start. No one has to wait till January 1st to start again. According to the American Psychological Association setbacks are completely normal. But being able to recover from setbacks and mistakes is what distinguishes those who can succeed in their goals to those fail to recover.

With full concentration on a single task, clarity on the goal you hope to accomplish, and being consistent can help you actually start you reaching your New Year’s resolutions. With that being said, have a brilliant New Year!

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