Obamacare: A Beautiful Melody with Blasphemous Lyrics by Karina Padron

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Source: Google Images

Aristotle once said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” I’ve thought about that phrase a lot in my life, and many times I have tried to quantify people, politics, countries, not just by looking at their grand total, but the people and institutions that make them up.

Universal Healthcare: can you hear the choirs singing? What a beautiful notion. It seems like an episode of Oprah, but instead of some book by Deepak Chopra, everyone in the crowd gets Healthcare!

The one real accomplishment that Obama has made in his two term presidency and the Act is full of loopholes that will hurt businesses and employees. It is unclear whether people are actually able to keep their current healthcare and doctor. The government shut down because no one could reach a compromise on the act. The website that has had over three years of development time in which this ruthless war to pass Obamacare has ensued is a total and fabulous flop.

There is additional intelligence that says that insurance companies are taking advantage of the veritable bedlam of the program to hike premiums. A law that supposedly cut its funding to avoid insurance companies from robbing their patrons, is now enabling them to.

Not to mention, there are some major trade-offs the program is coming with. In order to offer healthcare plans at incredibly low premiums, most of the healthcare being provided will come from out of pocket costs.

And what’s a website without its hackers? There have already been numerous reports that people have been able to hack into the Affordable Care Act website. This is a website that I’m supposed to trust with all the medication I use.  This is a website that my grandfather is supposed to put intimate details about his health deficiencies on. Most importantly, this is a website that does not function.

Instead of trying to fix the program both parties have been using it to forward their own misguided agendas.

The Democrats are lauding themselves on their magnificent disaster of a Healthcare plan. What used to mean progressive now means excessive government overhaul and an inability to compromise.

The Republicans aren’t much better; they have been using this time, oh so usefully, by continuing to drag out hearings on the website.

Maybe, and I know I may be institutionalized for suggesting this (not that Obamacare could cover my hospitalization) both parties should be bringing in experts on the matter – insurance policies makers to repair this fantastic failure.

The government is like a husband lost on a road trip: he hasn’t the slightest clue where he is, but refuses to ask for directions. Whenever major legislation is being passed, instead of bringing in people who have firsthand experience on the matter, a roomful of men with a foot in the grave badger on for hours about what their legislative aides researched for them. When my local government was discussing education policy changes, not once did they bring in a respectable teacher. Is the government allergic to experienced people’s suggestions?

I like the idea of Universal Healthcare as much as the next guy with a liver disease, but the Affordable Care Act isn’t what it promised to be. It’s more complications, more disorientation, and more congressional mess that the taxpayers will wind up cleaning up.

People are still talking about Aristotle’s quotes millennia’s later; but Obamacare is no Ozymandias – except for the despair. The sum of Universal Healthcare sounds lovely; it has a breathtaking ring to it, a song that everybody was singing. But its parts, a car thief couldn’t even sell on the black market.

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