Walker Resigns from Presidency Race

By Diana Rodriguez

Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, announced on September 21 that he would be suspending his 2016 campaign. He was the number one candidate in Iowa back in July for the primary, until his subpar performances diminished his supporters. Lacking both substance and finances, he decided it was time to end his candidacy. Leaving encouragement to the other Republicans to follow in his footsteps.

Now at a total of 15 candidates in the 2016 race, Lindsey Graham stated that he believed Walker made a “decision best for him and his family”, and also referred to him as an “accomplished governor”. One of the first of the candidates to respond to Governor Walker’s choice was none other than Donald Trump, front runner of the Republican Party. ¨I got to know Scott Walker well—he’s a very nice person and has a great future.¨ Trump tweeted.

Jeb Bush said that same day that “Scott Walker is a good man who has a proven record of fighting for conservative reforms.” Bush charitably added that he believed Walker would continue being a good governor. He was also called a “good friend” by Governor Jindal of Louisiana. Obviously well liked in the Republican party, now that he’s no longer competition.

Marco Rubio had a bit more to say on the matter than his fellow contenders. He acknowledged that it was a difficult decision for Walker, and knows that there were people disappointed at this announcement. A Florida Senator wished the best for him and his family, adding that Walker “remains one of the best governors in the country and I have no doubt that he’ll continue the fight for conservative principles.”

Ted Cruz continued with compliments by stating that Walker was a “formidable fighter, and an effective reformer.” Cruz even said that “Wisconsin is considerably stronger as a result of the changes he pushed through under incredibly difficult and contentious conditions.”

John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, agreed with his colleagues. He shared that the Wisconsin governor has a “bright future & is a model for other governors”.

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