Gun violence has been a common and tragic reoccurrence within the history of this nation. According to the Prevention Institute studies have shown that more than 100 Americans die each day from gun violence. Upon drills, protocols, and the constant fear, America has normalized gun violence to the point of blatant complacency.
Within the last few weeks, there have been reports of more and more shootings occurring all across the country. These shootings have had a dramatic increase since the start of the pandemic. According to New York Times, there have been at least 147 mass shootings as of April 16.
To ensure the optimal safety of all citizens, America needs to adopt regulations. Constantly, America’s gun violence prevails to something more stronger than even America’s government. There is no more control over gun violence and if this continues the death toll will only continue to rise.
Here is how we can prevent shootings from occurring:
Sensible Gun Laws
Over the years, guns have become more accessible to everyday citizens, to which anyone can purchase a firearm as long as they are of legal age. The current legal age to purchase a gun in the U.S. is 18 years old — but even this does not apply to unloaded guns in the possession of minors at home. The state government should increase the age of gun buyers to 21 years old and conduct universal background checks to prevent firearms from landing in the wrong hands.
Putting in place sensible gun laws allows limited access to dangerous weapons to youth. This will decline the possibility of gun owners putting themselves in danger and hurting others. This will also set in place regulations for sellers and hold them accountable for the people they chose to sell to.
Hold the Industry Accountable
Gun dealers play a large part in the distribution of both legal and illegal firearms. Before selling these weapons to anyone, they should first discuss gun training and require proof of licensing, and require the buyers to acquire secure storage for their firearms.
Requiring proof of licensing sellers can ensure that buyers meet all requirements needed to safely possess a gun. This also provides a background check on the buyer and ensures that they are knowledgeable about regulatory safety standards.
Mental Health Accessibility
Mental Health has been the center of the conversation when it comes to the controversy surrounding gun violence. Many shooters have a history of depression, suicidal motives, and forms of harassment.
Whether it’s depression, anxiety, or harassment, shooters are usually holding a burden. In 2018 the Parkland Shooting was justified by mental health issues, which is a common excuse during these shootings. Without the help of a professional or loved one, things can get out of hand and can cause not only harm to the community.
Although mental disorders do not excuse the shooter for the pain inflicted on others — it adds to the realization that our society needs to change. Free health care and an increase in funding for mental health centers are necessary adjustments. There are too many people who do not have the ability to receive professional help and thus continue to struggle, which eventually ignites their downfall.
Support Healthy Norms About Masculinity
The majority of shooters are boys and men who believe in a sense of power. Within the last few years, the shooters have all been primarily men who have harmed both themselves and others. This need and craving for dominance have defined American culture, marking men with an inferiority complex that compensates with aggression.
Society has set in place this idea that men are supposed to be strong and hold themselves to a high standard. In reality, this is not at all true. Men do not have to be held to this standard.
Toxic masculinity ignited unwanted aggression that has had a negative impact on our society. As a society, we have to encourage healthy norms for men. We can continue to spread awareness about toxic masculinity and not hold men to an unrealistic standard.