By Michelle Mairena “Get out, Maduro” chanted the crowd of hundreds of thousands of protesters as they...
By Roxana Casanueva @rcasanueva_ It’s freezing! And for us in Miami, that’s basically anything cooler than 70...
By Khimmoy Hudson The United States of America has, once again shattered a record; but, this record...
By Samantha Jimenez “This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice,” said President Donald...
By Gabriella Licona On Friday, January 4, 2018, tragedy struck and 5 girls were announced dead in...
By Carla Rubio New Year’s has come and passed; 2018 is now a thing of the past....
By Aileen Delgado When Andrea Graham-Rechichi’s great-grandfather went to his father and said, “dad, don’t sell the...
By Khimmoy Hudson It seems that things have become an endless cycle, constantly being swirled in an infinite...
By Daniel Gonzalez With New Year’s Eve approaching, “Where should we go?” is a question that comes...
By Samantha Jimenez As commercials play on every radio station and banners hang on light poles, the...