Can you imagine working extremely hard for your salary, whether it is from entertaining millions or being...
Elected in March of last year, Pope Francis has spent the past year making waves in the...
The civilian battle against the Knights Templar Drug Cartel has spiraled into chaos after many groups disobeyed...
A lot of people believe that Apple is always coming out with new devices– one after another–...
The past month has been a rollercoaster for Utah. On December 20th 2013, Utah’s ban on same-sex...
Apple, during the fall, usually releases new a new version of a previous device. Rumor has...
The push towards new common core standards adopted in Florida by state legislatures has brought a series...
Ever since the release of Blackfish ,Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s documentary which showed the abuse killer whales go through,...
The Selfie Olympics are in full swing, with competitors fighting to take the most thought- provoking, elaborate...
On January 31st, the Chinese zodiac calendar began its cycle. Following Chinese astrology, 2014 is considered the...