It has been a year since the Boston marathon bombing killed four and injured over 250 runners...
As April begins, the hype about the 20th begins to blaze across the nation. This popular day...
Every year, MLEC’s walls are covered with campaign posters during election season, urging onlookers that ‘it’s time...
The Malaysia flight 370’s disappearance has left the world on edge. 239 people here one second, gone...
Say goodbye to colorful, explosive, mindless, superheroes and say welcome to the new era of dark and...
Republican Governor Rick Scott supports a senate proposal allowing some undocumented immigrants to pay in-state college tuition...
Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. The symptoms of...
By Julissa Higgins Most people think that teenage sex trafficking is a thing of the past, something...
Your favorite superheroes (assuming they’re from Marvel), Jedi, and now YouTubers are all brought to you by...
The White House is preparing a legislation that would end the National Security Agency’s collection of Americans’...